Off Site Highways Works

Off Site Highways Works

Increasingly it is becoming necessary to undertake off-site highway changes and improvements to the road network as a result of a planning condition. These works are usually controlled by sectional agreements which means the work has to be designed, specified and constructed in accordance with the local authorities’ requirements using acceptable methods of design.

We are very familiar with these requirements and carry out our designs to the required standard so that technical approval can be achieved. We provide the above services for the full range of works from a simple road widening scheme at a site entrance to new roundabouts or right hand turn lanes on major highway trunk roads. Where appropriate we use sophisticated software to aid us in our designs.

It is sometimes necessary, as part of the sectional agreement, for us to act as “engineer for the works” under an Institution of Civil Engineers standard conditions of contract. Where this is the case, in addition to producing the necessary design drawings and specifications, we produce bills of quantities and provide a full management service.


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